Sunday, 23 March 2014

Spiritual Abuse Survivor Blogs Network

I have just discovered this network aimed at supporting and promoting the blogs of individual spiritual abuse survivors. I love that they "are working together toward a shared goal of increasing awareness of this issue of spiritual abuse – the control, the confusion, the devastation, our struggles, our triumphs, our survival and recovery." This stuff really needs to be out there!

You can find out more about Spiritual Abuse Survivor Blogs Network here.

This link will take you to the current list of blogs on the Network.


  1. Thora - Have these blogs & networks been an encouragement to you in the healing process?

    1. Absolutely! It helped just knowing that I was not the only one who had experienced this type of betrayal. But it also helped because it explained the behaviour. I could see that there are definite patterns in abuse and that helped me realise that it was not my fault and I was not going insane - that it is the abuser who is the problem, not the victim!

      Thora :)


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